La Parapharmacie
Glycine - 250 vegetarian capsules Inhibitory neurotransmitter and detoxification factor.
Gorse Hopelessness, despair, pessimism
Green oatstraw - Flowering top cut (tube) It is invigorating and balancing on the nervous system. Strengthens and balances the nervous system.
Heather Talkative, demand attention, dislike being alone, lonely
Hi Potency compound vitamin B (capsules) Adjuvant synthesizing brain chemicals that affect mood and nerve sensitivity.
Holly Envy, jealousy, hate, insecurity, suspicious, aggressive, needs compassion
Holy Basil Holy Basil is used as an expectorant and/or demulcent to help relieve cough and colds, as well as a cardiotonic.
Holy Basil Force Used in herbal medicine to help increase energy and resistance to stress.
Holy Basil Tea Helps calm anxiety and stress. Combining the three types of Tulsi - Krishna, Vana and Rama, and added rooibos tea for a rich flavor.
Holy Basil Tulsi Tea Anti-Stress Herbal Support
Honeysuckle Homesickness, nostalgia, bereavement
Hornbeam Weariness, bores, tired, needs strength, overworked, procrastination, doubting own abilities