La Parapharmacie
Aspen Fear, worries, unknown fears
Aurum Metallicum 12X - 50 ml Depression - Anxiety - Hopelessness
B-Complex Zen Complete, balance and sugar free group B vitamins supplement with moringa, hops and chamomile extracts. To help relieve nervousness.
Bach Rescue Chewing Gum <span>Orange and Elderflower Liquid Center 17 Pieces<br /><br />Dr. Bach formulated Rescue™ Remedy nearly a hundred years ago, yet never before has it been more relevant with millions of people relying on Rescue™ Remedy throughout the world to get themselves through the complications and shocks of life.<br /><br />Relax with soothing Bach Rescue Chewing Gum, with zesty orange and elder-flower flavor. The liquid center contains 4 drops of Rescue the famous combination, of Five Bach Flower Remedies discovered by Dr. Edward Bach and used by millions around the world.<br /><span><br />Rescue Gum is ideal for coping with exam stress, driving tests, first day of school nerves, job interviews and high pressure environments. It is easy to take anywhere and with natural flavoring safe for use by the whole family.</span></span>
Bacopa Enlighten Protects the nervous system and boosts antioxidant defines. Helps with memory and other mental functions
BD Organotherapy preparation.
Beech Intolerance, critical, lack of compassion
BIO-NERVES Help relieve nervousness and is a mild sedative sleep aid
Bionic Extreme fatigue and/or chronic.
Blue stop No 2 Emotional control , worthlessness, irritability of menopause.
Bryophyllum 2X (Argento Cultum) - 50 ml Indicate for Nervousness and Agitation
Calm Plus Calcium Packet box plain Natural Calm Calcium is formulated to prevent a surplus of calcium and to avoid the symptoms associated with depleted levels of magnesium.