La Parapharmacie
Millepertuis 300 mg Contribue à la santé du système nerveux.
Mimulus <span>Keyword: Fear, blushing, stammering, shyness, timid, sensitive, lack of courage<br />Human indication:  Fear of known things.  Such as fear of being alone, fear of spiders, fear of flying or fear of the dark.  Shyness is also a known fear.<br />Animal/pet indication:  For fears: afraid of lightening, visits to the vet. May shake or shiver when confronted. Shy and timid animals.</span>
Mood ( with St. John’s Wort ) ##### Benefits - Helps to relieve nervousness and restlessness - Promotes healthy mood - Supports cognitive function and improves memory ##### Features - High potency extract of St. John’s Wort standardized to 0.3% hypericin - Enhanced with gingko extract, standardized to 24% flavoglycosides, the active constituents  - Phosphatidylserine is an important nutrient to keep brain cell membranes healthy and fluid
Multi B High potency B vitamin formula to help immune and nervous system functions during periods of prolonged stress
Neroli 5% (Orange Blossom) Citrus aurantium ssp amara
Nervaherb - - Provides isovaleric acid, the effect is soothing and sedative.  - Provides tonic and relaxing properties on the nervous system.
Neural Plus Balance mood of depression.
Neuromega Cranberry/Raspberry High content of DHA for depression and cognitive impairment.
Neuromega Kids Helps support cognitive health and brain function.
Norwegian Gold Super Critical Omega Norwegian Gold Super Critical Omega delivers over 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids and 1000 units of Vitamin D in every capsule! It is formulated for everyday therapeutic supplementation and extremely useful for cardiovascular issues, high cholesterol, and mood disorders.
NutraQOL Reduced fatigue and improved social, physical, and emotional wellbeing.
Oak Exhaustion, overwork, workaholic, fatigued, over-achiever