La Parapharmacie
Hazelnut butter A butter rich in Vitamin E, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, B Vitamins, Fiber and a host of antioxidants.
Hemapro Formula rich in vitamin B, C and folic acid.
Hi Potency compound vitamin B (capsules) Adjuvant synthesizing brain chemicals that affect mood and nerve sensitivity.
Hi Potency vitamin B Compound (tablets) Adjuvant synthesizing brain chemicals that affect mood and nerve sensitivity.
High Potency B Compound B vitamins are thought to be involved in mitigating fatigue and stress.
Hydroxy B12 Hydroxocobalamin is a unique form of vitamin B12, which is more readily converted into the coenzyme forms than conventional cyanocobalamin.
Inositol Helps deal with mental disorders and helps regulate brain signalling systems. Helps the body metabolize fats.
Inositol Powder Helps deal with mental disorders and help regulate brain signalling systems. Helps the body metabolize fats.
Liquid B complex For insomnia, stress, adrenal insufficiency, chronic fatigue, infections, proper endocrine, immune and nervous system functions.
Liquid Multi, Iron-Free, Natural Orange Flavour Liquid Vitamin/Mineral Supplement. A factor in the maintenance of good health.
Magnesium and Vitamin B6 Helps your muscles and helps to maintain good health.
MAGsmart Helps you fall asleep and lowers blood pressure.