La Parapharmacie
Rock Water Self repression, self denial, self perfection, overwork, self-sacrificing, opinionated
Rosmarinus Officinalis Hepatic insufficiencies, allergies.
Scleranthus Indecision, imbalance, uncertainty, dizziness
Scullcap Used in Herbal Medicine as a sedative to help relieve nervousness, as a sleep aid, and as an antispasmodic to help relieve pain.
Serenagen Helps reduce mental fatigue
Sereni-Pro Adrenal support.
Serenity Formula Vegetarian Helps relieve chronic symptoms of stress, anxiety and adrenal exhaustion.
SeroPlus Promotes serotonin synthesis to support relaxation, moderate occasional stress, and maintain healthy eating behavior
SeroSyn Supports a healthy mood balance.
Serotonin Help with symptoms of insomnia, sensitivities/malaise & mood swings.
Shiitake Immune support and vitamin B
Siberian Ginseng - Liquid extract For mental and physical support.