La Parapharmacie
Rhodiola Rhodiola, a powerful adaptogen, helps support focus, cognitive function, mental and physical stamina related to stress.
Rhodiola An important stress-relieving botanical.
Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex Supports cognitive function, enhances energy and resistance to stress.
Rhodiola 500 mg To increase resistance to a variety of chemical, biological and physical stressors.
Rhodiola 500 mg To Temporarily support physical stamina
Rhodiola Extract Helps mental fatigue and stamina.
Rhodiola Liquid Caps (Certified Organic) Supports mental performance
Rhodiola Rosea Helps temporarily relieve symptoms of stress.
Rhodiola Rosea with Ginseng Used in Herbal medicine to help enhance physical capacity and performance in cases of physical stress.
Rhodiola Stress Caps Comprehensive stress protection while decreasing mental fatigue and improving both mental and physical performance.
Rock rose Frozen fear, terror