La Parapharmacie
L-Tyrosine Required for the synthesis of essential hormones and neurotransmitters. Enhances cognitive function and improves alertness.
Lavender - Hybrid Abrial Lavandula hybrida abrialis
Lavender - Hybrid Super Lavandula hybrida super
Lavender - Spike Lavandula latifolia (L. spica)
Lavender - True Lavandula angustifolia
Lavender SAP For stress and anxiety relief and sleep support.
Lemon Balm help sleep and relieve digestive disorders / dyspepsia
Lemon Balm Used as a sleep aid (in cases of restlessness or insomnia) and also to help relieve digestive disturbances.
Lemon Balm tincture ##### Benefits - Sleep aid - Reduces restlessness - Relieves insomnia due to mental stress - Helps relieve digestive disturbances ##### Features - Made from organic and wildcrafted herbs - Therapeutic dose of condition-specific herbs - Tinctures are rapidly absorbed and metabolized – absorption begins in the mouth, allowing the body to absorb up to 98% of the medicinal components - Large 100ml bottle size offers great value
LTO3 Increases mental acuity while providing a soothing effect.
Lullaby Promotes sleep