La Parapharmacie
Digest Dairy Plus Assists in the digestion of dairy products
Digest Gluten Chewable Supports healthy digestive function and may help support gluten digestion.
DME Coconut Oil Can be used for cooking, baking, and beauty.
DME Coconut Oil Lemon Can be used for cooking, baking, and beauty.
DME Coconut Oil Peppermint Can be used for cooking, baking, and beauty.
DME Coconut Oil Pineapple Can be used for cooking, baking, and beauty.
Drainaflore Plus Detox Helps get rid of toxins by stimulating all the organs of elimination.
E400 Emulsified Accelerates the healing process, breaks down scar tissue, prevents tissue damage from radiation and oxidation
Execalm Cream Moisturizing cream ideal for dry skin and irritations.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 1000 mg Helps maintain a healthy weight. Supports cardiovascular health and brain and fight microbial infections.
Fennel Helps relieve digestive problems including bloating and flatulence
Feverfew Helps relieve headache, fever, cold, joint pain associated with arthritis and as deworming