La Parapharmacie
PhytoBalance II Used in herbal medicine to help relieve premenstruals symptoms.
PMS Support with BioResponse DIM® Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve premenstrual symptoms.
Progest Liposome Cream Helps female hormone levels. Replenishes and protects the skin's moisture barrier. Soothes dry skin.
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Red Clover Used traditionally in Herbal Medicine as an alterative for chronic inflammatory skin conditions and as an antispasmodic for coughs.
Red Clover Isoflavones 40% Red Clover Isoflavones are estrogen-like molecules that may mediate hormonal imbalances during menstruation and menopause.
Rubus idaeus - Rasberry (young shoots) Gemmotherapy uses the vitality of buds and young shoots to create highly effective remedies.
Sage Helps reduce hot flushes/flashes and/or night sweat associated with menopause
Sage Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to reduce hyperhidrosis and to help reduce hot flashes or night sweats associated with menopause.
Sage (Leaf) Relief of menopause symptoms.
Sage Tincture Organic Used to ease digestive problems et hot flashes of menopause.