La Parapharmacie
Bye Bye Cold Tea Bye Bye Cold herbal tea is a comforting blend, perfect for those under the weather days. Enjoy this soothing blend on cold days.
CleanseSmart (30 day cleansing) CleanseSMART is the best-selling total body cleanse in North America year after year! CleanseSMART is a 30 day cleanse that deeply cleanses the entire body without the need to follow a strict diet. It will help to ease elimination, improve digestion, and increase energy.
Cold-Pro Immune Formula **Recommended Use:**  Cold-Pro Immune Formula™ is a supportive therapy in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections. It helps to maintain immune system function and helps to relieve the symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infection.
Cordyceps Mycelia Improved energy and physical performance. Relieves fatigue elderly patients. A beneficial effect on the respiratory system.
Corylus Avellana Chronic bronchitis, sclerosis.
Corylus avellana - Hazel (buds) From wild forest and/or organic crops, stabilized within one hour of harvesting.
Double Ginger Tea Double Ginger packs a strong dose of ginger into each bag, spikes it with black pepper, and mixes in exotic touches of peppermint leaf .
Drosera Plex Coughs, catarrh.
Echinacea - Osha Extracts of Echinacea root, Oshá  root, Pleurisy root,  Licorice root with grain alcohol and distilled  water. All certified organic or wild crafted.
Echinacea Elderberry Tea This tea has revitalizing effects, mixing with elderberry, another refreshing plant secular use.
Echinacea Goldenseal Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections and sore throats.
Echinacea Organic Juice Used in Herbal Medicine to help fight off infections, especially of the upper respiratory tract.