La Parapharmacie
Somniaide Helps relieve insomnia and anxiety
SOMNIPAX For sleep troubles.
Soothing Natural Cough Syrup Used in herbal medicine to treat coughs and symptoms of respiratory catarrh (mucus secretion).
Spir-Max Helps calm the tightness, shortness of breath, bronchial obstruction, emphysema.
Star of Bethlehem Trauma, after effect of shock, post traumatic stress
Stodal (Honey) Stodal relieves both dry and wet coughs.
Str'ss En cas de stress nerveux.
Stressaffair Recommended in excess stress.
Stresstemps Other stress caused by excessive negative thoughts.
Suc-Alt For disorders of pancreatic function. Hypoglycemia.
Sweet Chestnut Extreme mental anguish, hopeless despair, intense sorrow
Systemic Dx Homeopathic remedy - Full spectrum systemic drainage and detoxification