La Parapharmacie
Gammadyn Zn-Cu Thyroid and endocrine dysfunctions.
Gammadyn Zn-Ni-Co Digestive disorders, food allergies.
Gastro Promotes regular bowel movements with normal consistency and shape. Helps reduce flatulence and stool odor.
Gentian Discouraged, depressed
Gonadil 21 Weakness for men 50 years and older. Andropause. Sexual stimulant.
Gorse Hopelessness, despair, pessimism
Gripps Homeopathic remedy to relieve symptoms of colds and flus.
Gris-Palt Flu, fever, chills, fatigue, drowsiness, lassitude .
Gurgle by Capucin Effectively relieves of digestive disorders.
H-THY HTHY Thyroid Drops is a homeopathic organotherapy preparation synergistically formulated for the support and balance of the immune, reproductive and endocrine systems.