La Parapharmacie
Abies Alba A complex remedy for tissue regeneration, favorable growth development and essential drainage properties.
Acer Campestre This remedy is indicated for conditions such as anticipative anguish, arteriosclerosis, and herpes outbreaks.
Acer campestre - Hedge Maple (buds) Gemmotherapy uses the vitality of buds and young shoots to create highly effective remedies.
ACN-GEM – Complex G19 Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses buds and young shoots of trees and shrubs.
Aesculus Hippocastanum This remedy is indicated for conditions such as hemorrhoids, poor venous circulation and eczema.
Aesculus hippocastanum - Sweet Chestnut (buds) Contains all the attributes and vitality of the original plant
Al-gen Phytoembryotherapy product containing black currant, rosemary and juniper
ALL-GEM – Complex G1 Combination of carefully selected single bud and young shoot extracts, acting in synergy to target a specific health problem.
Alnus Glutinosa Articular rheumatism, infections.
Alnus glutinosa - European Alder (buds) - G44 It has been demonstrated that gemmotherapy remedies provide compelling potential for personal empowerment
Ampelopsis Veitchii Rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis.