La Parapharmacie
Virafect Antiviral, febrifuge and anti-inflammatory properties which help treating influenza with fever, as well as other viral infections.
Vocalix Tincture Organic Traditionally used to soothe sore throats and laryngitis.
Vrl-gen Synergistic Phyto-gen blend to help strengthen the natural defenses in order to mount an appropriate immune response to viral aggressors
Wild Oregano C93 (Liquid) Wild crafted from sustainable sources in the Mediterranean
Wild Oregano Oil C93 With Garlic To help relieve the symptoms associated with upper respiratory tract infections and catarrhal conditions.
Wild Sandalwood Santalum Austrocaledonicum
x Coughs, Catarrh
Yarrow Relieves the menopause side effects
Zinc Citrate 50 mg Skin health and immune system.
Zinc lozenges (echinacea and cherry) Relief for sore, dry throat.
Zinc lozenges (echinacea and orange) Relief for sore, dry throat.
Zinc picolinate formula For prostatitis, low sperm count, infertility, fatigue, infections, colds, flus, acne, stretch marks, toxicity, dementia, wound healing