La Parapharmacie
Enerex Wild Omega 3 Enerex Wild Omega 3 is a natural source of refined and concentrated fish body oils which protect the body from deleterious effects.
Fenugreek 500 mg Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a lactagogue to help promote milk production/secretion.
Fenugreek Seed 500 mg <h2>Digestive tonic to support digestion and as an expectorant to help relieve catarrh of the upper respiratory passages.</h2>
Fiberlicious Delicious Fiber Supplement
Flaxseed Oil A source of essential fatty acids for the maintenance of good health.
Floralax II A Gentle and Effective Laxative ! Used as a bulk forming laxative Helps lower bad (LDL) cholesterol
Fo-Ti (Ho Shou Wu) 560 mg Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a blood tonifier.
Foresterol Helps lower blood total and LDL cholesterol.
Gammadyn Mg Water retention, asthma.
Garlic Helps reduce hyperlipidemia in adults.
GarlicRich® Super Strength Garlic Concentrate 500 mg Contributes to cardiovascular health and optimal immunity.
Genius kids and teens Significantly improves concentration and performance in school!