La Parapharmacie
Ribes Nigrum Adrenal atrophy, allergies.
Rubus Fruticosus Osteoarthritis, bronchitis.
SI-GEM - Complex G15 Gemmotherapy uses the vitality of buds and shoots to create highly effective remedies.
Sine-Usalt For acute and chronic sinusitis .
Spir-Max Helps calm the tightness, shortness of breath, bronchial obstruction, emphysema.
Thym Organic Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as an expectorant to help relieve the symptoms of bronchitis and mucus buildup of the upper respiratory tract; to help relieve coughs and to help relieve indigestion.
TIM Helps to maintain eyesight, skin, membranes and immune function
Virafect Antiviral, febrifuge and anti-inflammatory properties which help treating influenza with fever, as well as other viral infections.
Wild Oregano Oil C93 With Garlic To help relieve the symptoms associated with upper respiratory tract infections and catarrhal conditions.
Wild Sandalwood Santalum Austrocaledonicum
x Coughs, Catarrh