La Parapharmacie
Ultra Purifiant Cleanse 500 mg
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Product Details

Colon cleanse, bowel cleanse, intestinal cleanse or intestinal therapy is a term referring to a procedure (or a therapy) that detoxifies and cleans the bowels and colon. The typical problems of unhealthy intestine walls are: bad bacteria attacks the lining, parasites thrive, molds and yeast (Candida) give off toxins, and food cannot be absorbed properly. A proper “bowel cleanse” can take from 3–4 weeks and even up to 12 weeks, depending on the severity of the condition. Vitamins, exercise and an awareness of diet help, but they do not stop the buildup of putrefying toxic matter in the colon. A putrefying toxin-laden colon tract will contribute to a polluted body environment that makes disease much more likely to establish and spread. Liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs, skin, sex organs, and the entire lymphatic system are affected. Health care practitioners know true optimum health starts by having a clean intestinal tract.

The buildup of toxic matter in the body occurs when people eat foods that contribute to the forming of mucoid matter. As most foods consumed daily are mucoid forming, as is air pollution, the development and retention of putrefying toxins is virtually universal. Ultra Purifiant Cleanse is a unique blend of proven specialty preparations chosen for their cleansing, revitalizing and detoxifying qualities. These seventeen essential products effectively remove toxins. This allows your body to achieve good health. Rejuvenation begins from the day you start. Most people may get some results in one month. A real “bowel cleanse” usually is not just a single product, but is rather a procedure that may include the use of many different products, and in many cases, it is beneficial to do days or weeks of fasting. We recommend that you visit your health care practitioner before performing any bowel cleanse or fast.


Each vegetable capsule contains :

Medicinal Ingredients: - Red clover flower powder 23.143 mg - Yellow dock root 18.27 mg - Black walnut husk 6.09 mg - Butternut bark 32.887 mg - Corn silk powder stigma and style 29.233 mg - Clove flower bud 18.27 mg - Echinacea root 6.09 mg - Garlic bulb 3.045 mg - Golden seal root powder 4.872 mg - Blessed thistle herb top 18.27 mg - Psyllium husk 304.507 mg - Plantain leaf 23.143 mg - Bentonite 5 mg

Suggested Use

Take 5 capsules twice daily (morning and evening) with 8 oz. of water or juice before a meal or as directed by your health care practitioner. Take at least 2 hours before or after taking other medications. Maintain adequate fluid intake


Contains no: Gluten, soy, wheat, eggs, dairy, yeast, preservatives, artificial flavour or colour, starch, or sugar. / Ne contient pas : Gluten, soja, blé, œufs, produits laitiers, levure, agents de conservation, arôme ou colorant artificiels, amidon, ou sucre.

Cautions and warnings: Consult a health-care practitioner prior to use if you have high blood pressure or heart/blood vessel disease; if you are taking other herbs containing tannins; if you are taking hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptives, anticoagulants, or protease inhibitors; if you are taking immunosuppressants; if you have an autoimmune disorder; if you have a progressive systemic disease such as tuberculosis, collagenosis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS and/or HIV infection; if you have diabetes; if you have symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or fever (as these could be signs of abnormal constrictions of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the oesophagus and/or the superior opening of the stomach (cardia), potential or existing intestinal blockage, paralysis of the intestine, megacolon, faecal impaction, inflamed bowel or appendicitis); or if you are taking medications that inhibit peristaltic movement. Consult a health-care practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen; or if a laxative effect does not occur within seven days. Consult a health-care practitioner immediately if you experience chest pain, vomiting, or difficulty in swallowing or breathing after taking this product. Consumption of goldenseal with alcohol, or other medications and/or natural health products with sedative properties is not recommended.

Contraindications: Do not take if you are pregnant or breast-feeding; if you have diabetes mellitus in which blood sugar is difficult to regulate; if you have kidney or liver disease; if you have an allergy to plants in the Myrtacaea family; if you have an intestinal obstruction; if you have an allergy to Asteraceae/Compositae (daisy) family; if you have difficulty swallowing; if you are experiencing a sudden change in bowel habits that has persisted for more than 2 weeks, undiagnosed rectal bleeding, or failure to defecate following the use of another laxative product; or if you suffer from gastrointestinal lesions/ulcers.

Known adverse reactions: May cause gastrointestinal discomfort, such as upset stomach. Hypersensitivity (e.g. allergy) has been known to occur; in which case discontinue use. May cause temporary gas and/or bloating.

Important: Take 1 capsule of Acidophilus Ultra each time. As you kill and remove bad bacteria from the space it occupied in your body, it is important to take over this space with friendly microorganisms (probiotics) like AcidophilusUltra. This guards against the reinvasion of bad bacteria. The 11-culture Acidophilus Ultra capsules have a special protective enteric coating, which is very important because it protects the capsule from the stomach acids. The acidophilus capsule must be delivered to the small intestine in order to work for you. Any acidophilus capsule that does not have an enteric coating will be destroyed in the stomach by stomach acids.

Do not use if seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children.


    Medical ingredients