Referred by El ouarari, RABII, Tech. Medical TM Hema santé
La Parapharmacie
Thyme thujanol essential oil
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Product Details

Aromatic molecules

Thuyanol 4

Distilled organ

Flowering top

This is a small corky bush, which can reach 40 cm in height. It has small curved leafs, deep green coloured on the edge, which are hairy and twined.

The chemical polymorphism of the vulgar thyme has been initiated by Granger and al. in 1963. Between 1971 and 1986, Granger and Vernet and al. identified 6 chemotypes of thyme. It concerns the geraniol, the a-teripeol, the thuyanol, the linalol, the carvacrol and the thymol.

Traditionally known for its properties

As a bactericide, fungicide and strong antiviral, immunity stimulating, liver stimulating and regenerating, circulation warm-up, neurotonic, equilibrating.

Special precautions

Keep out of reach of young children. Does not replace a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Unless medical or pharmaceutical advice, not to use during the pregnancy and breast feeding and in the child of less than 3 years. Keep out of heat and light.

Professional advice

Internal : 2 drops in honey or on a lump of cane sugar, 3 x a day.

External : massage the solar plexus with 3 drops of CTEO of thujanol thyme + 4 drops of hazelnut oil, twice a day, or 2 drops of undiluted CTEO on the to be treated zone until a clear improvement has been stated.

If timely unavailable, think of marjory oregano.


Keep out of reach of children.If accidental ingestion occurs, seek urgent medical attention or contact a Poison Control Center. If you have epilepsy or asthma, consult a health care practitioner to use.Avoid exposure of applied area(s) to the sun. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use this product. If you experience nausea, dizziness, headache or an allergic reaction, discontinue use.


    Medical ingredients