La Parapharmacie
Macaccino Drink Mix
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Product Details

Organic Traditions Macaccino is a coffee substitute made from Certified Organic Cacao Powder, Black Maca Roots, Vanilla powder and Coconut Palm Sugar. 4 powerful antioxidant rich superfoods are combined in this nutritious, uplifting beverage. This is a healthy and energizing alternative to high caffeine coffee and tea. Considered to be one of the Amazon’s most important superfoods, Maca has been used since the Incas as part of a daily diet and has been traditionally used as an adaptogen to promote optimal well being. Combined with cacao powder, or “the food of the gods,” fragrant Vanilla and a hint of the caramel taste from Coconut Palm Sugar, the end result is a smooth chocolate-mocha flavor that is both rich and aromatic with wonderfully uplifting effects.

Suggested Use

Create a delicious, energizing superfood coffee substitute with Organic Traditions Macaccino. Boil 2 tablepoons in 8-10 oz. of water for 2 minutes, depending on how strong you prefer your Macaccino or simply add 2 tablespoons to 8-10 oz. of hot water and stir. Drink as is or add a dash of almond, hemp or coconut milk. Alternatively add cinnamon, nutmeg, saffron or cayenne pepper to the drink. Add 1-2 teaspoons of Organic Traditions Ashwagandha powder for an added boost. Allow the liquid to cool and add ice for a refreshing Iced Macaccino or use as a base for energizing smoothies, ice creams or raw desserts. Add the drink mix to yogurt, cereals, superfood puddings and as an ingredient in truffles and power bars. No emulsifiers have been added to Macaccino so be sure to stir the beverage while you drink. Make decadent Macaccino-Coconut truffle balls by mixing 1 tbsp. of Organic Traditions Macaccino drink mix to every 1 tsp. of Organic Traditions Raw Coconut Oil and ½ tsp. of your favorite nut butter. Add 2 tsp. of Organic Traditions Sprouted Chia Powder and roll into balls. These proportions will make one large Coconut-Macaccino ball. Adjust accordingly for larger quantities. Glaze the balls with Organic Traditions Yacon Syrup and finish by dusting the balls with Organic Traditions Shredded Coconut Flakes, Organic Traditions Cacao Powder or Organic Traditions Hemp Hearts. This treat is incredibly quick and easy to make. In less than 5 minutes you will have a delicious and nourishing raw treat to enjoy with a cup of tea. The rich dark cacao flavor, fragrant aroma of vanilla, bold taste of black maca and exotic coconut all combine to create a perfect, smooth mocha-chocolaty delight!

Storage Information: Refrigeration not required. Store in a cool, dry, dark place.


  • Cacao Powder (Theobroma cacao)
  • Black Maca (Lepidium meyenii)
  • Coconut Palm Sugar (Cocos nucifera)
  • Vanilla Powder (Vanilla planifolia)

Allergen Information: Produced in a facility that packages tree nuts (Almonds, Hazelnuts and Cashews). The facility is dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free and peanut free.