La Parapharmacie
Infludo - 50 ml
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Product Details

Active Ingredients:

10g (11.1ml) contains: Aconitum napellus N/A (M) 3X 1g, Bryonia N/A (M) 2X 0.6g, Eucalyptus globulus N/A 2X 0.5g, Eupatorium perfoliatum N/A (N) 2X 0.4g, Phosphorus N/A 4X 1g, Sabadilla N/A 3X 1g.

Inactive Ingredients:

Contains 64% Alcohol v/v.

Contra Indications: Hypersensitivity to this product or any of its components.


Age 7 and older: 7-10 drops 3-4 times daily. 

Age 2-6: 1 drop for each year of age. 

Age under 2: Consult a physician.


Patients should be advised to: 

1) discontinue medication if condition does not improve within 10 days; 

2) consult with their physician to ensure that improvement is proceeding normally; 

3) store at controlled room temperature (60° - 85°F), away from direct sunlight; 

4) keep tightly closed and out of the reach of children.

Because of the homeopathic processing utilized to prepare this medicine, questions of overdosage or toxicity associated with the ingestion of this medicine are of an academic nature. 

The following is printed for those who would like more information in this regard: The constituent of this mixture that would be considered potentially most toxic is Aconitum napellus (M) 3X, because of the presence of the alkaloid aconitine. 

The other constituents are much less toxic, or have no known toxicity. The LD50 of aconitine (oral in rats) is 1 mg/kg. This is equivalent to 25mg for a 25-kg (55-lb) child. An entire 1.7 Fl. Oz. (50ml) bottle of INFLUDO contains 0.0162mg aconitine, calculated from the maximum alkaloid content of Aconite. A 25-kg (55-lb) child would have to consume approx. 1543 x 1.7 Fl. Oz. (50ml) bottles of INFLUDO to ingest a lethal dose of aconitine. This is about 20 gallons. 

Aconitine is not known to accumulate in the tissues. An entire 1.7 Fl. Oz. (50ml) bottle of INFLUDO contains 33.7 ml (6¾ teaspoonfuls) of pure 92.42% w/w ethyl-alcohol.