La Parapharmacie
Calcium & Magnesium Citrate Plus Potassium & Zinc
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Product Details

Each capsule contains:

Medicinal ingredients: - Elemental calcium (citrate) 125 mg
- Elemental magnesium (oxide/citrate) 125 mg
- Elemental potassium (citrate) 10 mg
- Elemental zinc (citrate) 5 mg
- Elemental manganese (citrate) 1 mg

Non-medicinal ingredients: Gelatin capsule (gelatin, purified water, titanium dioxide), vegetable grade magnesium stearate (lubricant).

Suggested Use

This product features calcium and magnesium in a one-to-one ratio with added potassium, zinc and manganese for enhanced mineral absorption. The minerals are delivered in citrate form for best bioavailability.

Calcium is required for strong bones, teeth, and cardiovascular function and calcium citrate may be the preferred form of calcium for those with low stomach acid. As well as protecting the body from stress, magnesium works with calcium to provide help to these same body systems and participates in more than 50 different biochemical reactions. 

The other minerals, including manganese, potassium and zinc, are also in the citrate form for better absorption and utilization by the cells, and they provide a valuable contribution to bone strength.


Some people may experience diarrhea.


    Medical ingredients